Building Bright Futures has 12 regions throughout Vermont that align with the Agency of Human Services districts. Each Early Childhood Regional Council, supported by one of BBF’s Regional Managers, brings together community members committed to young children and families.
Councils are guided by Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP), and they identify regional priorities based on community needs and gaps. The Regional Councils also advise Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC) on opportunities to strengthen local and statewide systems of care, health, and education. Learn more about Regional Councils and how to join a meeting in your region below.
Join a Regional Council Meeting
Council meetings take place 8-10 times a year and are open to the public. Meetings are held largely using Zoom as a virtual format, with select in-person meetings to further build relationships among regional partners.
2025-02-06 14:00:00
Chittenden Regional Council Meeting
2025-02-11 13:00:00
Lamoille Valley Regional Council Meeting
2025-02-12 11:00:00
Bennington Regional Council Meeting
With the regional and state action plans as our guides, we identify and invite discussion about key projects and initiatives to support and collaborate on in efforts to increase impact, reduce duplication, and break down silos. Regional Councils gather 8-10 times a year to share ideas and support for programs and families, and to create opportunities to learn what our counterparts are doing, recognizing that we can better meet the diverse needs of all children and families when we work together.
The council is open to anyone who is invested in the well-being of children and families. We seek representation from the following sectors: health, mental health, early care and education, primary education, home visiting, parents/caregivers, direct service providers, businesses/employers, etc., who are committed to participating in respectful, safe, and non-judgmental relationships to work together in support of positive outcomes for young children and families in our community. There are no terms for Council membership.
Priorities for 2024-2026

View a map of Regional Council Priorities for 2024-2026.
We envision an early childhood system where partners work together with shared vision, shared action, and shared accountability; where regional tables are set for communities to problem-solve, coordinate, and take action; where data drives decision-making; and where sensible state policy is informed by the wisdom of communities.
BBF brings the early childhood community in Vermont together to foster collaboration, share best practices, solicit input, and develop system efficiencies on complex social and systemic problems to ensure all children and families have access to high-quality opportunities. We engage families as key partners to build a seamless system from prenatal through age 8 and beyond. Regional Councils convene early childhood partners to identify the needs and challenges of children, families, educators, and providers on the ground.
BBF Regional Councils serve as an essential part of the BBF statewide Network infrastructure, including the Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC) and the seven Vermont Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP) Committees, all working together to support early childhood stakeholders across the state. BBF Regional Councils regularly participate in efforts to gather information from the broader community to inform policy and practice at both the regional and state levels.