When we work together,
children shine

Building Bright Futures (BBF) works to improve the well-being of young children and families in Vermont. The BBF Network includes 12 Regional Councils, seven VECAP Committees, and the State Advisory Council.

The State Advisory Council advises the Governor and Legislature on the well-being of children in the prenatal period through age 8 and their families. BBF maintains Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP), the vision and strategic plan for Vermont’s early childhood system.

Visit Vermont’s Early Childhood Data & Policy Center

Family Leadership Dashboard & Inventory Released

The State of Vermont’s Children: 2023 Year in Review

Upcoming Events

All Vermont parents and caregivers are invited to join Families and Communities Committee meetings on Zoom and to learn more about family leadership. Most BBF events are virtual and open to the public.

Three young children with brown hair and light brown skin smile while playing in a playhouse

BBF Announces Fall 2024 VECF Grant Recipients

Building Bright Futures is excited to announce the recipients of our Vermont Early Childhood Fund (VECF) awards for fall 2024! The …
A young child wearing glasses and smiling as she raises her arms up overhead

Vermont Makes Strides in Strengthening Early Childhood Services

Good news for Vermont families with young kids! The state is using a special federal grant to improve the system of …
Children paint pumpkins outdoors at Fall Fun Fridays in Lyndonville

News from the Network: Fall Events and Forums

Fall is here, and Building Bright Futures’ Regional Councils have been busy convening and building community across the state. Central Vermont …
Visit Our News Page

BBF supports accountability through Vermont’s Early Childhood Data & Policy Center, a nonpartisan, independent source of data, research, and publications for policymakers, researchers, and the public. We’re also tasked with ensuring accountability and measuring the success of the VECAP and Vermont’s Act 76, a child care law passed in 2023. We use evidence to inform policy and bring voices together across sectors and within regions to discuss critical challenges and problem-solve.

Our Vermont Early Childhood Fund (VECF) gives grants to support creative solutions that will improve the well-being of children from the prenatal period to age 8, their families, and the Vermont communities where they live.

BBF is Vermont’s early childhood public-private partnership, charged under Vermont Title 33 § Chapter 46 and the Federal Head Start Act (Public Law 110-134) as Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council. Building Bright Futures is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization.