Vermont’s early care and education system consists of a mix of programs that serve children 6 weeks to 5 years old and not yet in kindergarten, including licensed and registered family child care home programs, center-based programs, and school-based programs. The most accurate count of children enrolled in child care programs comes from required vaccination data from each program.
The chart below shows the number of children enrolled in regulated child care by age group over time.
Data Source
Vermont Department of Health. Child Care Vaccination Coverage Data.
Related Indicators
Children Receiving Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP) Benefits – The indicator chart shows the number of children receiving CCFAP on September 30 for available years for all children as well for those under age 5.
Related Indicators
Child Care Access: Families Without Access to 0-5 Early Care and Education – The indicator chart shows the percentage of children without access to any early care and education program out of those likely to need care by age.