The charge of the Child Outcomes Accountability Team is to improve integration and coordination of early childhood public and private partners committed to the health and well-being of children and their families. The group will inform strategies and monitor progress toward Goal 1 of Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan: All children have a healthy start. Goal 1’s focus is to ensure that children are healthy, thriving, and developmentally on track from the prenatal period to age 8 by promoting and monitoring outcomes in the following domains: physical health, development and educational outcomes, mental health outcomes, and basic needs outcomes. Goal 1 also promotes the importance of prevention and early identification across the same domains.
As the Executive Director of BBF and Vermont’s Early Childhood Data and Policy Center, Dr. Crossman is responsible for leading the vision and strategic plan of Vermont’s early childhood system and serving as the primary advisor to the Governor and Legislature on the well-being of children from prenatal to age 8 and their families, using evidence and data to inform policy and service provision.
Breena Holmes
Danielle Howes
Charlotte Safran
Ilisa Stalberg
Janet Kilburn
Renee Kelly
Elizabeth Gillman
Jen Fortman
Amy Johnson
Scott Johnson
Pam McCarthy
Cheryle Wilcox
Kate Rogers
Katy Davis
Cynthia Greene
Becca Webb
Amy Bolger
Beth Truzansky
Anna Brouillette
Dora Levinson
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