
Now Available: Vermont’s Child Care and Early Childhood Education Systems Analysis Final Report

The Vermont Child Care and Early Childhood Education Systems Analysis final report is now available. Click here for Final Report.

Report Briefing

BBF hosted a virtual briefing on Zoom with Nasha Patel, Watershed Advisors, and Elliot Regenstein, Foresight Law and Policy who were the consultant team hired to conduct the Analysis. The briefing was held on Monday, July 11, 2022 as part of Early Childhood Grand Rounds hosted by Building Bright Futures and Vermont’s Early Childhood Data and Policy Center. The recording is available here. 

Learn more about the Systems Analysis process.


Building Bright Future’s Statement on the Final Report of Vermont’s Child Care and Early Childhood Education Systems Analysis 

Building Bright Futures (BBF) was honored to oversee and facilitate Vermont’s Child Care and Early Childhood Education Systems Analysis (ECSA). In June 2021, the governor signed Act 45 which designated Building Bright Futures to support the work of the Systems Analysis. In 2021, BBF contracted with Foresight Law + Policy and Watershed Advisors to conduct the ECSA following a rigorous procurement process. As Vermont’s independent, early childhood public-private partnership, BBF has supported and monitored the analysis by: conducting a rigorous and transparent bidding process, compiling documents for comprehensive systematic review, orienting the contractors, convening five works-in progress presentation meetings, and facilitating interviews and focus groups with well over 100 early childhood stakeholders.

The goal of the ECSA was to examine the systems that govern and administer child care and early childhood education and to use this information to make recommendations for Vermont’s approaches to improve functionality of services and systems that will promote optimal outcomes for children and families. Foresight Law + Policy and Watershed Advisors went through a rigorous process of documentation review, interviews, focus groups, surveys, and advisory committee feedback to arrive at these in-depth findings and recommendations.

While the Building Bright Futures Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC) does not directly support or oppose any specific proposal or bill, we are proud of the rigorous process that led to the recommendations presented in the report, and are confident that stakeholders will come together to make deliberate, inclusive, and transparent changes to strengthen the governance of Vermont’s the early childhood system.

Given the strength of the ECSA team’s work and the ongoing Finance Study also called for in Act 45, these comprehensive and nuanced findings will take time for policymakers and stakeholders to review and act on. To support and continue to facilitate this process, on Monday, July 11, Building Bright Futures is hosting a webinar during which Foresight Law + Policy and Watershed Advisors will present their final recommendations and discuss next steps for implementation. The Finance Study is currently being conducted by researchers at RAND and will further inform the Legislature and other stakeholders making policy, program, and implementation decisions upon its completion in January 2023.

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